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Milgard Rebate VS. Federal Tax Credits

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07 April 2009

We’ve been receiving a lot of questions around the Milgard rebate and the federal tax credit. Specifically, what qualifies and what doesn’t qualify. So here is a brief overview of the programs, what qualifies and when they expire.

Federal Tax Credit

The government has outlined very specific criteria regarding what type of windows and doors you must purchase in order to qualify for the tax credit. All windows and doors must meet a .30 U-factor and a .30 SHGC or better. So you’re probably wondering how you’re supposed to know which windows will meet those requirements. No problem! Below are links to PDF files which outline all Milgard products that qualify. Choose the area (North, South, Rocky Mountain Region, East of Rockies) that best matches your location.

I live in the Northern U.S.

I live in the Southern U.S.

I live in the Rocky Mountain Region

I live East of the Rockies

Hopefully, this will clear things up a little bit. Keep in mind that the credit only applies to the product and not to the cost of installing the product. Also, the installation must occur between 2/1/09 and 12/31/10. To get more details about the federal tax credits I highly recommend visiting the Energy Star website here: www.energystar.gov

Milgard mail-in Rebate

The Milgard mail-in rebate is completely separate from the federal tax credit. Once again, the Milgard mail-in rebate is a completely separate program that is independent of the federal tax credit. Here is how it works: To qualify you must purchase Milgard Tuscany windows, and or, Classic patio doors. The windows, and doors, must be purchased with Milgard’s 3D MAZ energy package (ask your dealer for details) and breaks down to a $25 rebate per window and a $75 rebate per door for a maximum rebate of up to $750.

You must purchase your windows between March 13th, 2009 and June 30, 2009.

You must purchase a minimum of 5 Milgard replacement windows or doors, or a combination of both.

There is only one rebate available per household.

Hopefully, this helps clear up any confusion about these two programs. Now is a great time to buy new windows and doors for your home as prices are extremely competitive and you’ll very likely see a substantial reduction in your monthly energy costs.

Make sure to fill out (and mail) your rebate forms by for the Milgard rebate no later than June 30th to qualify for the rebate!
